Divine Intervention: A Memoir
In 2007 I was awarded a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award in the playwriting category for “The Marlborough” a screenplay which loosely chronicled my adventures in 1960’s Baltimore. My recent book, “Divine Intervention a Memoir” is a deeper dive into that story, a memoir that begins with my conservative and religious upbringing in the 1950’s, and romps through my 1960’s friendships with John Waters star Divine and friends when we lived in a worn beaux-arts apartment building in a run-down neighborhood of Baltimore. Available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle book.
Kent Island: The Land That once was Eden
Maryland Historical Society Press 2002 This blend of history and memory began as my thesis project in the Master of Liberal Arts program at Johns Hopkins University.
Available for purchase in the lobby of the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, or at:
Barnes & Noble
Johns hopkins University Press